So I have let myself lose track of time again. And once again, I have let too much time pass without writing anything. Even though I haven’t met it in a long time, I set a little personal goal for myself of writing at least once a week. Writing is important to me. I love to do it for many reasons, and I actually use to be fairly good at it. It started out as my first career choice with print journalism being my first major. But I quickly learned that it would suit me better to leave writing as something I could just do for enjoyment on the side. So I changed my major to early childhood education, then more specifically to special education. Which, in a way, is what I am doing now…I am educating my 3 children (all 5 and under) in a very specialized, one-0n-one style through home school. But I often wonder, now that life has brought me this far (married, 3 young kids, and possibly more in the future) without having actually completed my formal degree, “Will I ever go back and finish school?” “And if so, what will I do?” “Continue with education, or perhaps go back to my first choice of writing?” “Maybe I could teach writing?” “What does my future hold?”
These are the thoughts I am thinking as I have a just a few moments of quiet while the kids are napping, and before I must continue with my long list of chores today.